Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Top 5 reasons why men avoid commitment/marriage

For those who are reading my blog for the first time, please don't get intimidated thinking that I am a feminist(I am not to that extent[:P])..However whenever I get to see the reactions of my male friends or cousins on the topic of commitment their behavior makes me ponder on the topic..Here are some of the reasons which scares guys to get committed:

(1)"What shit is a Stable life??"-Guys run away from anything that imparts stability to their life.Marriage for sure is a pathway to a stable life with one partner,which terrifies the stereotypical males.

(2)"Life without chasing hot chicks??"- Guys cant get rid of their habit of chasing girls.The idea of not chasing any female due to commitment to one makes them shudder in fear.

(3) "Oh god..Responsibility??"-Men don't want to take responsibility of any thing.Taking responsibility, according to them, is like sacrificing their freedom!!Some even feel they are being strangulated with the rope of responsibility! So, as soon as they realize the amount of responsibility which comes in package with marriage, they are happier being single and irresponsible.

(4) "End of an innovative life??"-One of the main reasons for all this is that, men want to keep on experimenting with new things(read 'new women') every day.Marriage will obviously put on end to their novel experiments.

(5) "No more Cool Status??"-Some men find the idea of being 'single and ready to mingle' very cool and stylish.So much are they inspired by it that they want to remain single forever(till they have grey hair or become bald and have a big tummy which turns off their girl friends)


bubble said...

Not at all.. no feminisim... :)

absolutely not :D

Troy the Mystic said...

I happen to read your famous anti-feminist feminism article since I visited your orkut profile for some reason, which i ll mail separately :)

Though I liked this one, a good collection of of the male factor. All the comments are critically briefed and the explanation is for sure the truth.

But there is some boundary and time factor which affects on what all you have said and is not always the fact. commitment by someone is more or less a phase in life rather than an attitude. This is the only reason the main character in this story "The Men" is presented in quite tainted picture. The picture is undoubtedly correct but is a very small part of the whole story.

In the phase I believe you have experienced:

1. "The Men" by nature does not want a stability in the life because stability means stagnancy, if not perfect but partial. So before entering into the second phase "The Men" wants to achieve some level at which he can stop and look for stability, and that is the point where the partner also enters into the institution of marriage.

2. Its not LIFE, again, but a part of life. This part gets over with the entry of someone special who is by all means the reflection counterpart of his own. At that point he/she is the perfect of all imaginations. I won't say you can't catch his eyes wondering around even at that stage, but I believe that is just to ensure that time and again that the ONE along is really special.

3. Responsibility in itself a big word one who is in a phase who is still worried about responsibility means he still needs some time before he can afford it. And may be you might not be comfortable, handing over a responsibility to a person for an institution when he is not prepared at all.

4. I have not read the article yet may be tomorrow, but yea its not an end to the innovation. I dont know if you can generalize it to everyone. ya I have seen that priorities change, but that's altogether a new beginning. Priorities do change and may innovation is on a different aspect of life which one might realize when he is actually into it.

5. Cool status! hmmm all relative :) can't comment.

In short, nothing wrong in what you have said but just wanted to say something from the side of the character "The Men" who bechara has not even got a chance to defend himself. Might be you realized this difference because you are looking from a forward perspective. My comments are also not true for all the characters whom you have observed some are personal experiences and some are just the fact in matter of time.


Unknown said...

hmmmm... battle of sexes never fails to attract attention. what r u trying to do ?

gaurav.itian said...

Not that every one shies away from responsibility. It would be unfair to view the whole world from single pair of glasses :). A nice and succinct blog.

Gaurav Sinha

Rashi Bhushan said...

It looks some people took this article rather too seriously(some elaborate comments from folks I dont even know is a proof of this :P) ..anyways my next article wont be on male (or rather male chauvinism)...
so guys just chill...:)

Unknown said...

we shouldn't fear with commitments towards relationship...chick and hunk comes and go!! all we need one true person to live and share entire life...